Welcome to the 505 new members of the curiosity tribe who have joined us since Tuesday. Join the 33,187 others who are receiving high-signal, curiosity-inducing content every single week.
Today’s newsletter is brought to you by AppSumo!
AppSumo is doing something crazy. They are giving away their entire $1 million Black Friday marketing budget to creators! If you have an ebook, online course, template, or any other digital product—this is for you.
Here’s how it works: The first 400 products to go live between now and November 17th will receive $1,000, the next 2,000 to go live will get $250, and everyone who lists gets entered to be one of 10 lucky winners of $10,000!
List product, get cash. It’s that simple. If you’re a creator, go list your product today to cash in on this amazing deal!
Today at a Glance:
Quote: Diligence and good fortune.
Tweet: Amanda Natividad on cold outreach.
Article: Rebecca Szkutak on the new space race.
Podcast: Sir James Dyson on The Tim Ferriss Show.
Bonus: Crypto Punk or 300-Acre Ranch.
One Quote:
“Diligence is the mother of good fortune, and idleness, its opposite, never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes.” — Miguel de Cervantes
Good fortune is simply the product of small, consistent, painful daily efforts.
Small things become big things.
One Tweet:

Amanda is one of my favorite follows on Twitter—consistently putting valuable content and insights on my timeline. This thread was one of her best: short, tactical insights on improving cold emails and outreach.
(P.S. Amanda is one of the many success stories of the Audience Building course. There are a few slots left for next week—you should grab one here!)
One Article:
The Billionaire Space Race Launches a New Venture Capital Solar System
Great piece from Rebecca Szkutak on the rapidly-expanding private space economy.
When I read about new technologies, I look for ways to contextualize across time. I loved the analogy of launch infrastructure as the space economy equivalent of fiber optic infrastructure in the dotcom era. Both laid the foundation that enabled other entrepreneurs to “stand on the shoulders of giants” and build the future. Very cool perspective!
One Podcast:
Sir James Dyson — The Tim Ferriss Show
I wrote a thread on Sir James Dyson about a year ago—his story is remarkable. I personally believe his secret sauce was a unique combination of product and marketing skills (the “say goodbye to the bag” Dyson vacuum campaign was pure genius). Worth a listen for any aspiring entrepreneur and builder.
Listen to it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
One Bonus:

Pixelated Punk or 300-Acre Montana Ranch—Choose Your Fighter!
But seriously…what a time to be alive.
Sahil’s Job Board - Featured Opportunities
Skio - Founding Engineer ($50K REFERRAL BOUNTY!)
Commonstock: Community Manager, Marketing Designer
Hyper - Chief of Staff
Consensus - Lead Software Engineer
Scaled - Direct of Operations
Fairchain - Software Engineer, Full Stack
Incandescent - Operations Associate
Practice - Chief of Staff
Maven - GM of Partnerships & Ops
Olukai - VP of E-Commerce
AbstractOps - Head of Engineering
On Deck - Forum Director, CFO Forum, VP Finance
Metafy - Senior Frontend Developer
SuperFarm - VP/Director Account Ops, Scrum Master
Launch House - Community Manager, Community Lead
Free Agency - Chief of Staff
The full board can be found here!
We just placed a Head of Community, Growth Lead, Swiss Army Knife, Account Exec, and several other roles in the last month. Results for featured roles have been awesome! If you are a high-growth company in finance or tech, you can use the “Post a Job” button to get your roles up on the board and featured in future Twitter and newsletter distributions.
That does it for Episode XIX of The Friday Five. Join the 33,000+ others who are receiving high-signal, curiosity-inducing content every single week! Until next time, stay curious, friends!