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Sumo Day 2021 is almost here - an event for entrepreneurs hosted by my friends over at AppSumo. Think of Sumo Day as Amazon Prime Day, but for entrepreneurs. Starting July 13th, AppSumo is bringing you insane products, discounts, and giveaways for just 72 hours! So sign up to get the updates straight to your inbox!
One Quote:
“Knowledge is a skyscraper. You can take a shortcut with a fragile foundation of memorization, or build slowly upon a steel frame of understanding.” - Naval
A skyscraper built on a fragile foundation is destined to collapse. Treat your knowledge like a skyscraper - build it up from a solid base of first principles.
One Tweet:
I watched this visualization about 50 times. It was the first time I’ve thought about doing geometry in a while (to prove why it works), but then I thought better of it, grabbed a glass of whiskey, and just watched it a few more times…
One Article:
Robinhood’s Challenge - Byrne Hobart
Excellent piece from Byrne Hobart on Robinhood’s challenge(s) as it enters the public markets. The TL;DR for me was that Robinhood’s short-term economic incentives may be misaligned with the long-term economic incentives of its customers.
“So the profit-maximizing move for Robinhood, right now, is to encourage as many users as possible to switch from buying and holding stocks to day-trading options [and crypto]. But that's not exactly ideal for customers.”
Worth a read!
One Podcast:
The Wealthiest Family of All Time - The Rothschilds
I liked the simple, narrative style of this podcast and found it really easy to absorb. The Rothschilds have a fascinating founding story - the scale of their impact on European geopolitics was immense. It was money - not military prowess - that often decided the outcome of wars, so the Rothschilds had an outsized ability to impact the course of history.
Shoutout to my friend Sam Parr (founder of The Hustle and co-host of the My First Million podcast) for the recommendation!
Listen to it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
One Bonus:
Even if you aren’t a fan of the sport, I highly recommend flipping through the images in this thread. Mesmerizing beauty.
The Bloomboard - Featured Opportunities
Panther - Customer Delight Manager (NEW!)
Avicado - Marketing Manager, Data Consultant (NEW!)
Pallet - Swiss Army Knife
Commonstock - Community Manager, Marketing Designer
Atreides Management - Data Analyst
Beyond Protocol - Director of Business Development
Metafy - Senior Product Designer, Senior Technical Recruiter
Synthesis - Head of People, VP Growth, Technical Recruiter
Vivian Health - Product Manager
Pesto Tech - Account Executive
The full board can be found here!
We have had several hires through the board and the results for featured roles have been insane (one role had 200+ applications in 1 week)! If you are a high-growth company in finance or tech, you can use the “Post a Job” button to get your roles up on the board and featured in future Twitter and newsletter distributions.
That does it for Episode IX of The Curiosity Chronicle. Join the 23,000 others who are receiving high-signal, curiosity-inducing content every single week! Until next time, stay curious, friends!
Spent most of my Saturday on the chronicle
1) Byrne article on Robinhood is a keeper
2) 360' visual struck a chord
3) Quote on knowledge made me go back to realization there are no shortcuts
4) Soccer visuals made my yearning for travel more
5) Rothschild podcast flowed like a story and was utterly captivated.....
Thanks Sahil