Another memorizing movie that follows a herd of animals around is March of the Penguins (2005) a documentary co-written and directed by Luc Jacquet about the annual back and forth 70-mile walk Emperor penguins take in order to find a mate and raise a baby chick in the harsh climate of Antarctica, where the average temperature is 58 degrees below 0.
Life Lesson: Life is a beautiful struggle–splendor and sadness co-exist for us all.
Another memorizing movie that follows a herd of animals around is March of the Penguins (2005) a documentary co-written and directed by Luc Jacquet about the annual back and forth 70-mile walk Emperor penguins take in order to find a mate and raise a baby chick in the harsh climate of Antarctica, where the average temperature is 58 degrees below 0.
Life Lesson: Life is a beautiful struggle–splendor and sadness co-exist for us all.
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