I turned 30 recently.
While far from old and wise, I have learned a few things along the way - on life, business, writing, investing, and growth.
Here are a few important lessons learned...
Lesson #1: Embrace Failure
Put simply, failure leads to growth.
Do not hide from failure. Seek it out. Allow yourself to be uncomfortable. Embrace it.
The most transformative moments in your life will always come from failures.
Lesson #2: Stand on the Shoulders of Giants
As Isaac Newton famously wrote, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
You will only go as far as you can see.
Seek out mentors who champion your cause and empower you to see further.
Lesson #3: Prioritize People
Everything in life comes down to people and relationships.
Networks compound as well as any financial investment.
Build an army that is deep and wide.
Cultivate deep relationships, but also learn to appreciate the power of weak ties.
Lesson #4: Give > Receive
Focus on what you can do for others, not what they can do for you.
Give more than you receive.
This mentality will lead to more success and growth, but also to more fulfillment and joy.
Lesson #5: Play the Long Game
“Play long-term games with long-term people.”
The greatest riches in life - personal or professional - come from compound interest.
But it takes time. Lots of time.
So always play the long game. Let the magical power of compounding work for you.
Lesson #6: Closed Mouths Don’t Get Fed
A little push goes a long way.
Don't sit back and wait for good things to happen.
If you want something (and you’ve put in the work for it), go ask for it.
Worst case - you’re told no and nothing has changed.
Best case - it’s yours.
Lesson #7: Pay It Forward
No matter how far you go, realize that you didn’t make it on your own.
So pay it forward.
Be a mentor. Be a champion for others.
Their growth should become a source of tremendous joy and pride.
Those were the reflections of a not-so-old, not-so-wise 30-year old - a few of the most important lessons I’ve learned along the way. I hope they are helpful for you on your journey!
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Until next time, stay curious, friends!
I, too, listened to you on T.I.P. and was hooked with your philosophy. As an older investor, I appreciate your perspective. I look forward to gleaning more insight that might help me be a more mindful investor. Thank you!
Happy belated birthday, Sahil!
From one not-so-wise 30-something to another, these 7 lessons could be my commandments!
After 3 decades and a year on this planet (31 next week - yikes), you start to notice these recurring themes in your mentors and people you want to be more like... thanks for putting them to paper.
Random question: Are your 7 lessons stack ranked by importance, or given any particular order?